Published on 24/01/2025
All members discuss about their visit to the festival, their shared passion for cinema, their visions of the role of jury... All enriching encounters and a sublime result, enlightning the quality of our 30th edition.
After an immersion in the stories and talents of this year's edition, the Franco-Quebec duo at the head of the main Jury look back on their collaboration and their postulate as co-presidents. A jury committed to celebrating the richness of French-language cinema.
Present at CINEMANIA endossing two roles, as a jury member and as an actor in Gaël Morel's film Vivre, Mourir, Renaître, Victor Belmondo was on all fronts! For him, French-language cinema is an absolute treasure trove.
A leading figure in French culture and the audiovisual industry, Christophe Tardieu is passionate about art in all its forms. Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur and Commandeur de l'ordre des Arts et Lettres, his commitment to culture and cinema made him an ideal jury member for this 30th edition, with France as the Country of Honor.
Talented director and screenwriter Francis Leclerc joined the Visages de la Francophonie Jury with an unwavering passion for the richness and diversity of French-language cinema... A passion shared by the CINEMANIA Festival, which prompted him to accept this invitation.
For 35 years, Thierry Suc has been revolutionizing the entertainment industry in France: whether it's concerts, stand-up comedy, theater or musicals, he's mastered every facet of culture. And with his passion for cinema, he brings invaluable expertise to the Jury of this 30th edition.
Caroline Dhavernas has joined the Visages de la Francophonie Jury this year and is a leading figure in French-language and international cinema and television. She tells us more about her expectations of cinema, both as an actress and as a member of the Jury.
Laurence Herszberg, head of Europe's leading series festival, Séries Mania, is this year's president of the Jury Films du Québec - made up of Kerem Ayan (director of the Istanbul Film Festival), Marianne Bédé (managing director of Canal+, International - Canada), Jacques K. Primeau (producer), Roxanne Sayegh (general manager of the Beaubien Cinema, Museum and Park) and Guillaume Sapin (artistic director).
Three professionals, three visions, one common passion: cinema. Discover the impressions of our three juries and their feedback on this unique adventure at CINEMANIA, where the diversity of French-speaking talent took center stage!
A breath of fresh air with an all-female graduating class of industry professionals destined to shake cinema up. Johanna, Sherianne, Leela, Xinyu and Marine tell us more about their vision and the place of documentaries in today's cinema.
Thanks again to INIS for this collaboration!