Djibi is a single father whose life revolves entirely around his beloved 8-year-old daughter Sofia. Every night, during their cherished bedtime stories ritual, he takes her to “Storyland”, a fantasy film studio where their extraordinary fairy-tale adventures come to life, starring Djibi as the heroic Prince Charming. Three years later and nearly a teenager, Sofia starts growing out of her father’s stories and making up tales of her own, where Djibi no longer plays the lead role. Djibi must find a way to forever remain the hero of his daughter’s life and stories.
With special effects worthy of the best Hollywood films, the French Michel Hazanavicius (OSS 117: CAIRO THE NEST OF SPIES, THE ARTIST, REDOUBTABLE) invites us on a wonderful trip to the world of tales and childhood. A lovely hymn to paternity, melancholic and stunning, in which the actors Bérénice Béjo, Omar Sy and François Damiens shine. THE LOST PRINCE is the work of a passionate filmmaker, who reminds us how important it is to save a daily place for fantasy and the imaginary.