Alex, a graceful 9-year-old boy who happily navigates between the genres, has a dream: to one day be elected Miss France. 15 years later, Alex has lost his parents and his self-confidence. He is stagnating in a monotonous life but an unexpected encounter will awaken his forgotten dream. Alex then decides to compete for Miss France by hiding his identity as a boy. Beauty, excellence, camaraderie... Through the stages of a merciless competition, helped by a colorful family, Alex will go on to conquer the title, his femininity and above all, himself...
MISS courageously celebrates femininity in all its forms and battles against pre-conceived ideas. Alexander Wetter, a male model discovered by Jean Paul Gaultier for his spring-summer runway in 2016, makes his screen debut with a performance troubling in its sincerity and accuracy. The young actor is supported by the well-known Isabelle Nanty (SUMMER OF 85) and Thibault de Montalembert (CALL MY AGENT). With MISS, the French Portuguese filmmaker Ruben Alves, who won the Audience Award at the Alpes d’Huez International Comedy Film Festival in 2013 for THE GILDED CAGE, offers up an optimistic and joyous hymn to tolerance.