Published on 05/02/2025
Each november, CINEMANIA offers a rich and diverse program, with over 100 films from Quebec and abroad, with complementary activities and more than 100 international guests. Among the festival's highlights, La Grande Soirée du court québécois and La Grande Soirée des courts internationaux attract enthusiastic audiences eager to discover new talent and short films. In 2024, a Soirée du Moyen-métrage was added and will be repeated in 2025.
Following the success of last year's first call for submissions, which attracted more than 300 entries, we are now looking for new high-quality short and medium-length films, representative of the diversity and richness of the French-speaking world, to make up the new Official Short Film Selection 2025. Once again this year, CINEMANIA is collaborating with Festival Regard for the selection of international short films.
Works selected for the Short Films Competition will be eligible for three awards, presented by a dedicated jury of film industry professionals:
The following information must be provided with each bid:
The festival accepts the following submissions:
Taxes are not included. Please note that submission fees are non-refundable.
Payment must be made via PayPal. It is possible to pay via PayPal without having an account: only a credit card is required.
Applicants will be informed of the status of their submission until September 2025.
If you have any questions about your submission, please contact us by e-mail at
This year, in addition to short and medium-length films, you also have the chance to submit your own feature films, which will be eligible to join the line-up for the 31st edition of the festival.